Jesso Lange

The character or the Baphomet gets a bad rap despite representing one of the most beautiful ideas. To me it represents the Light and Dark, The Masculine and Feminine, Thought and Feeling all encompassed in one being like it is in all of us. It's a reminder to embrace all of these things as natural and necessary. The woman in the painting is representative of the mother Death, the womb into which we all return and I feel that she serves and waits for the soul that is whole. Oil on Canvas

This started out as me trying to create a better visual representation for this old god I read about that inspired me. The final result turned out a little romantic and maybe didn't quite capture the actual idea that I was at first going for, but when it started to come to life I felt like even though it didn't quite hit me the same way it still touched the same spot inside me. Oil on Canvas

I am a lucky artist girl to have such gorgeous friends who are willing to model for me. This painting is about the seductive, destructive side of womankind. Oil on Canvas

Medusa is such a cool character. I read a bunch of things about her origin and what she is supposed to represent and there are a lot of conflicting theories floating around. All of it culminates in my imagination to this but the truth is I feel like I could draw/paint/tattoo her a hundred times and always have a well of inspiration to draw from and create something fresh. Oil on Canvas

This is the first (of many hopefully) collaborative paintings between me and the bracamonster even though we have been sitting side by side in the same house together making art side by side for the last eight years. Crazy, I know! But we are both so pleased with the result, I'm sure the next one will come along before too long. mixed media on paper

For any of you out there who ever read 'The Secret' (which I haven't, but I understand the principle) here is a story for you.. When I was painting this I envisioned it hanging in a winery. It just seemed like the right kind of home for her. When she was finished I was invited to an impromptu art show/charity fundraising event that a winery owner came to and bought my painting. Now she lives in the tasting room of his winery in El Dorado Hills, Ca. Oil on Canvas

This painting was made in the spirit of beauty for beauty's sake. I was actually just adjusting my camera's settings to the light to get some reference for The Empty Wine Glass and happened to get the photo that this painting was based off of. The model for both of these is such a beautiful girl she could make anything pretty but this was just a sweet, feminine moment that I had to paint it.

Based off of the mating habits of the black widow. She lures you in with promises of intense fiery pleasure, but it comes with a high price... This is the first in the series. Acrylic on paper

Based off of the mating habits of the black widow. She lures you in with promises of passion, but it comes with a high price... This is the second in the series. It will be featured in the book Antennae of Inspiration Book published by Out Of Step Books. Acrylic on paper

This is one of many painting I have done of my mannequin Bella. I found her on Hollywood Blvd and her face inspired me so much I had to talk the wig store into parting with her.. I won my first art award (KVIE Curator Award) for this painting after entering my first juried art show/auction. Oil on Canvas